A Wise Word:

Witchcraft is all about living to the heights and depths of life as a way of worship. --LY DE ANGELES

Thursday, November 19, 2015

No More Itching

Remember about a year ago, when I made some Plantain Tincture From the Weed Patch?  Yeah, I forgot too.  At least until we started this latest move last week we're going to outgrow our two bedroom apartment in March, so the university housing office is moving us now.  I couldn't have found it at a better time. 

For the past few months, I have been getting unexplained hives every night.  Not completely unheard of for me since I do have environmental allergies, but very unnerving.  It is absolutely horrible to wake up in the middle of the night itching everywhere!  We tore the house apart looking for a source, but never quite hit on it.  Benadryl crème offered minimal relief and I was tired!  After the worst night on record, I pulled myself out of bed and packed my herb cabinet.  There in the back was my miracle. 

I splashed some tincture on a gauze pad and laid the pad on the worst of the hives.  It was instant relief.  The itching just vanished.  With in moments, the hives themselves were visibly smaller.  Over and over I targeted new areas and was absolutely euphoric as the discomfort disappeared.  When I was done, Miss Busy had to see what all the fuss was about and used the damp pad on her feet.  Why hadn't I thought of this sooner?!

After using the tincture for a few days, the hives are no longer returning.  Maybe my allergen isn't in this new apartment or maybe as Superman theorizes, the first hives were an allergic reaction and made me so miserable that I was getting stress hives over the anxiety that I may get hives. Whatever the case, I am sure grateful that nature has provided relief. 

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